Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm a girl and I get affected by what and how I feel 99% of the time... thoughts raced through my mind when I accidentally (I swear it was accidental) stumbled upon her blog address on his computer... i pretended not to see and closed the window very quickly.. but it was quick enough for me to remember the blog address...

It was crazy how i tried to recite the address in my head... though it was really easy to remember and there is no way i can forget it.. i just kept reciting it as though I was afraid that Alzheimer will suddenly hit me or something...

A while later, curiousity got the better of me and I paid her blog a visit...

I regreted doing that... I hated what I saw... It hurts to see what I saw.. merely pictures were enough to make me want to go mad with tears... I didnt go past one page and I closed the window... I dont want to know anything anymore... all I want to do now is to go home... I'll rather be home where it is warm and uncomfortable with my housemates than to be here in the first place, discovering smth that I -if given second chance- would have chosen not to know, not to see...


Anonymous said...

That explains everything (-.-)
Let's go to da Zooooo... where elephants can take your worry away.

Cheer up ^-^

=u noe who i am= (or you don't?)

May said...

haha of course i do... when you were small and christmas tree was still tall..